View Full Version : Info Ban sabrina

08-05-2019, 11:44 PM
UNIQUE ID (OPTIONAL): Your Unique ID from your wCD report (if any)
NICK: sabrina
IP: Your IP address (check your IP address here: WarGods - What is my IP address):
STEAM ID: Your SteamID or your Steam profile link from each account you used. <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
DATE AND HOUR BAN: Date and hour when you were banned for the first time (with aproximation): 07.05.2019, 01:33:25
DATE AND HOUR: Date and hour when you last tried to do a wCD scan: 07.05.2019, 00:33:25
OTHER INFORMATION: Other information about this incident which can help us understand why you were banned: I just tried to do another scan verify and suddenly this appears to me: Status:Banned :(( That happened because admins of Legend.Indungi.Ro ask me WG verify every last last period.
Please unban me, I didn't it intentionally, you can verify my last scans to see that I tell the truth :(981

09-05-2019, 08:12 AM
You have been banned because of suspicious activity (like you have tried to do a fake wCD report). Same case as here: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

I unbanned you for now, and the rest of the users, who had the same suspicious activity. I do not know exactly what happen, you had 2 requests - one after another - in 1 second - this should not be possible.

Do you have malware? How about Proxy / VPN services? Can you tell me what programs you use or what programs are installed on your computer?

12-05-2019, 02:03 AM
" I don't have malware, I didn't pay attention that I can't see my unban request post that's why I posted again unintetionally.Sorry,my apologies.Thank you very very much"