View Full Version : I was experimenting with wargods and i regret it.

23-02-2019, 05:03 PM
UNIQUE ID (OPTIONAL): Your Unique ID from your wCD report (if any)
NICK: espot league
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:66108852
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
DATE AND HOUR BAN: Not sure about this one, it could be from 2018 once i got the ban from wCD.
DATE AND HOUR: 2019-02-23 16:13:52
OTHER INFORMATION: I started cheating back in my childhood, it was pretty good feeling to be cheating and killing every single one.. Soon enough i was getting banned from every server in my country i was going to like 3th-4th grade at the moment and soon my first 4th grade exams started and my parents didn't let me play with computer because i needed to study after all.. Once i passed my exams i came back to cs 1.6 and i was thinking what i should do.. I was banned from almost every server and i had nothing to do.. this is where i took a brake from counter strike for good 3 years, and came back playing at the time I got my STEAM account and soon after i bought cs 1.6 and i play normally without cheats. Soon i started playing PUG matches ( 5v5 ) like in csgo matchmaking and I saw how much i sucked actually.. and nobody would take me to the team because i was playing really bad almost like a bot.. So you can guess what i did after.. again cheating, i came back to the server with a blow i was playing like a god my awareness foreingly increased and i started to play like forest :-S.. At the time that server had just demo recordings and i would've get through those because i knew if i would play too obvious i would get banned. Soon after the PUG server moderators took more digging in to anticheat systems, and they found such a thing as "Wargods cheat defender".. They tested it out with cheats, and some of the moderators have red wargods scans by this date now. So they implemented that so Admins can ask wargods now, and I was one of the first who got asked to do wargods.. and uhm.. i got detected... Everyone thought i was just a good player by then, but once i got banned, it was over. I started looking through youtube how to bypass wCD and with my mistake i got banned doing that.. I downloaded to bypass alias cfg with wargods cfg bypass something like that and i got banned doing that.. I felt ashamed, but one of my friends told me just reinstall windows and change your IP, but that's not what I wanted to do, i wanted to be a good person like in my first days how i started to play PUG matches.. Please AMX Tiger believe in this story what i just told because none of this was a lie.. after all we are all humans, we learn from our mistakes, but I was the not responsible for my actions.. i saw the prices for the unban, but i don't even have a credit card.... or the money it self.. please excuse silly me and all i'm asking for forgivness..

Thank you if read it.

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I'm not expecting unban from wCD, because i just looked at other reports.. i'm just so stupid that i did that and still did not learn it from it.

23-02-2019, 07:37 PM
You know what you did, then you know what the consequences are for such actions.

23-02-2019, 07:40 PM
Ah.. i expected this appeal to be declined.. Thank you for the response :(