View Full Version : Request model to report false-positive detections

02-02-2019, 01:35 PM
To find why the detection has been triggered I need you to provide some informations.


NOTE: You need to report this problem right after you have been wrongfully detected. Please do not come here for support after a few hours later or if you closed the game because these kind of requests will be rejected.

In the TITLE you will describe your problem shortly (e.g.: False-positive detection - Generic Cheat Signature), and you will fill the content with the following details:

RAPORT: Your wCD report link.
ANTIVIRUS: Fill this field with the name of your antimalware/antivirus product. This will help us to understand if there is a problem with wCD and your antimalware/antivirus product.
Additional information: Other details regarding this problem or other informations (e.g: what did you installed on your PC recently).
GAME MEMORY DUMP LINK: download link which contains the game memory dump (you can use wetransfer.com to upload the file) [you have a short tutorial on how to acquire the game memory dump].

Short tutorial on how to acquire the game memory dump:
1) Run the game (if you, for some reasons, closed it).
2) Check if you are detected by wCD and save the report link/id (I need it). If no detection has been triggered, try again later and follow all the steps again. It is important to do this only when wCD detects you with something, otherwise it's useless.
3) Download wcd_game_mem_dump.zip (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)
4) Extract the files from this archive and open the extracted directory.
5) Search for "wcd_game_mem_dump", double-click it and wait a few moments until the memory dump is generated.
6) Take the file from step 5 and archive it. I strongly recommend you to use a password to encrypt the archive. It may contains sensible information.
7) Upload me the file from the previous step and give me the report link or id from step 2. Also, if you encrypted the archive, please send me the password through our Private Message system.