View Full Version : Reclama - Play.WarGods.Ro

31-01-2019, 10:21 PM
** De pe data de 31.01.2019 toti membrii ai staff-ului care vor upgrade sunt obligati sa aduca dovezi la reclamele facute pentru server **

Descrierea trebuie sa fie asta:
Mod de joc: Factions
DNS-ul serverului: Play(.)WarGods(.)Ro
Forum-ul serverului: wargods(.)ro
Versiune: 1.8x - 1.13x
Owner: Antid0t
Event-uri: In fiecare sambata de la ora 20:00
Va astept in numar cat mai mare!


** Dovada va trebuii sa fie lasata in acest topic printr-un reply **
Poza va trebuii sa fie incarcata pe un site dintre urmatoarele:
● <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
● <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

01-02-2019, 10:45 AM
Nu sunt in staff dar nu strica.

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

01-02-2019, 12:12 PM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> am facut promovare prin alt mod, am dat credite la un sv cu peste 100+ gameri sa ne faca promovare + le am spus si in chat de sv xD

23-02-2019, 09:59 AM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

24-02-2019, 03:33 PM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> , inca una

28-02-2019, 04:55 PM
untitled <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

19-04-2019, 04:19 PM
am facut reclama pe un server pe toate sectiunile , pe altu am spamat cu reclama si pe al treilea am spamat ;)) (3 reclame 3 servere)
1: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
2: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
3<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
La 1 am spamat la 2 am spamat pe toate sectiunile si la 3 am facut reclama multa
btw am fost pe alt cont ronny

21-04-2019, 12:59 PM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

23-04-2019, 01:12 PM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>