View Full Version : "Unban Request" by poker <insilio>

30-12-2018, 08:29 PM
Hello everyone,

first of all I'd like to apologise if I, by any means, wrote this thread in the wrong forum section. I don't understand romanian nor I know the format of this, so please, let me know if I'm doing something wrong.

Now onto the problem - A day or two ago an admin called "Madesclaine" or "Madscientist" (not sure which one, sorry, forgot the exact nickname..) made 5 screenshots of me, presumably due to him thinking that I'm possibly cheating in the deathmatch server (I guess that's the only one reason one would do screenshots, right?) He asked me to upload them to imgur and I did so immediately. I uploaded all 4 photos including the fifth one that was green.

After that he asked me to do the so called "Wg" test. At first I didn't know what it was but I quickly figured out it was some kind of a anticheat test. I was a little bit suspicious about programs like this but when I checked that the server had a forum of such a big scale, I was convinced that it wouldn't harm my computer. Even though my antivirus told me it could be a potential threat, I still ignored it and went on with the test. Everything good so far and the test begun up until reaching 88%, after which some error showed (really long message I didn't make a photo of) and the program said that it couldn't fully check everything in my cs due to some kind of error (btw I'm using original copy of steam cs). I told this to Madscientist but before the error he said he had to go and when the results are finished I was supposed to write to a guy called "West" that was also in the server. Welp, what happened? When the error occured I tried to notify "West" or any other admin that was there at the server but I was completely ignored. Instead, I was let to continue playing without any problems.

The next day I met the "Madscientist/Madesclaine" admin again and told him what happened and asked if there could be any solution to the problem, but yet again, I was ignored completely. I didn't bother him much after that as I took his silence as a sign of simply letting me play normally despite the issues I faced with this program.

Then, the next day two other admins (the first one I forgot its nickname but the second one was called "Mob" or "Mop") made me do the test again. However, I tried to explain to them that I already tried it with the aforementioned admin above that the program had some issue and couldn't execute a full check on my steam cs or something. What they did? Mob guy simply ignored me and put some kind of a ban that put my fps to 4 and doesn't let me enter to any servers as of right know.

This is extremely unprofessional from his side as he didn't even bother to listen to the story. Just straight up ban, messing my CS for no real reason. At least if you are suspicious of someone, try your best to find a solution to a problem.

What I'm demanding now is a fix to what they did to my CS. And about the test - if you need proof of the error it gave me, I can run it again and make a screenshot. Then I will post it and you guys will tell me what I have to do in order for the program to run properly and make the test cleanly as I can assure you I have never used any cheats.

If you want to know some more about me, I'm also a member of a famous KZ/Bhop clan called insilio, we even have a site and you can check there (ill give link in private to whoever is interested) as a proof that I'm really part of it and it's a clan famous for legit players with tons of videos on yt and etc.

Thank you for your time and I hope the administration team of this community takes this issue seriously since what this "Mop" guy did was quite unprofessional!


poker <insilio>

31-12-2018, 02:00 AM
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