View Full Version : wCD ban info & unban request model

03-11-2018, 07:40 PM
In your ban information request or unban request please fill the title of the topic with Info ban "Your Nickname" or Unban "Your Nickname" (e.g.: Info ban Tiger):

Ban information / Unban request model:

LAST REPORT ID (OPTIONAL): Your last wCD report (if any)
NICK: Your in-game nick name
IP: Your IP address (check your IP address here: WarGods - What is my IP address (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>))
STEAM ID: Your SteamID or your Steam profile link from each account you used.
DATE AND HOUR BAN: Date and hour when you were banned for the first time (with aproximation)
DATE AND HOUR: Date and hour when you last tried to do a wCD scan
OTHER INFORMATION: Other information about this incident which can help us understand why you were banned


Any violation of terms and conditions of this free service will lead to a permanent ban.
This permanent ban will be lifted only by paying the unban fee (if is not false-positive).
Temporary bans (e.g.: antispam) will not be lifted, you need to wait until the ban will be lifted automatically (around 24 hours).
If you caught a permanently banned IP address, your IP will be removed from the ban list for free only if you didn't violate our terms and conditions.
Any attempt to bypass/remove the ban (e.g.: Windows OS re-installation, a new steam account, changing your unique id manually, and so on) without paying the unban fee will increase your unban degree fee!
In case the ban has exceeded 3 months and the reason for the ban was a false positive, you will need to pay 1st degree unban fee or compose an argumentative essay of at least 1000 words explaining "Why it is not advisable to request information about a ban after a long period of time from the date the ban was received".
We are not responsible in the following cases:

if you bought/borrow a banned Steam account and you got banned because of it
who uses your computer
who you borrow your Steam account
you used wCD hacking applications or fake wCD applications
where you use your Steam account

The unban fee:

This fee has the purpose of compensation, of WarGods Community, for the created issues by violating the terms and conditions. These fees depends from cases to cases, the case will be analyzed and the unban degree fee will be decided at that time. The unban fee increases gradually if a player is banned several times for the same deed.

The fees are structured on degrees which depends on the payment method and the gravity of the situation:

PaySafe (PIN code):

1st degree - 10 Euro
2nd degree - 20 Euro
3rd degree - 30 Euro
4th degree - 40 Euro
5th degree - 50 Euro


1st degree - 10 Euro
2nd degree - 20 Euro
3rd degree - 30 Euro
4th degree - 40 Euro
5th degree - 50 Euro

Examples of violation of terms and conditions and their unban degrees:

1st degree - unique id has been manually changed
2nd degree - unique id has been manually changed multiple times
3rd degree - unique id has been manually changed multiple times and the player tried to bypass the ban
4th degree - unique id has been manually changed multiple times and the player tried to bypass the ban multiple times
5th degree - unique id has been manually changed multiple times and the player tried to bypass the ban multiple times; cracked versions of wCD or hacks against wCD, any attempt to create a fake report (e.g.: using a virtual machine, sandbox, using another PC to create a clean report, ...), attempt to harm other players by restricting them from using wCD, abusing of wCD on servers ...

ATENTION!!! For more details please send me an email amx.tiger@gmail.com or send me a private message!