View Full Version : Cerere UP [RESPINS]

02-10-2018, 11:01 PM
Gradul: Helper
Nick: *Jessi*
Data Nastere: 27/04/2000
Varsta: 18
Steam ID: 15758 STEAM_ID_LAN 9 24:15 78 0
Adresa Contact: Mezibara@gmail.com
Experienta: 7 ani
Timp Jucat: 11 hours with main acc (*Jessi*) and another 11 hours with (|N.O.K.I.L.L|*Jessi*)
Perioada: Dupameaza, seare, weekend all day
Motiv: I'm tired of seeing people cheating on this server, for example, taking short way in maps, killing in Free or see how they insult each other. and I want people to follow those rules, to improve the game and the community of this server.
Cunostinte: Programare HTML (Learning) and maintenance of Servers
Promovare: I did a post in Twitter, i will show if i need after. But i can do other one.
Regulament: Da
Cuvant Cheie:@heie Just play :p

(Sorry if i mix Romain with English, but my romain still low, i can understand a bit, but hard to write)
Thx to Translate to do a nice translation :p

02-10-2018, 11:13 PM
I'm sincerely confused. Super-Slot?

02-10-2018, 11:21 PM
Failed.. i saw the model in the wrong section of Forum.. i try fix now.. sorry :(

02-10-2018, 11:44 PM
:pro: Gl

03-10-2018, 08:57 AM
:pro: with some lessons u will be a good admin. GL

03-10-2018, 09:58 AM
:pro: Good Luck.

03-10-2018, 03:14 PM
:pro: when u will know a little more roumanian I think u can make an request for premium

03-10-2018, 03:41 PM
:pro: Good Luck

03-10-2018, 09:18 PM
Meeeam, ce va ard acum!
Pentru adminii romani:

Toti care ati da PRO aveti -1. Nici macar nu ati citit regulamentul. O sa aveti o surpriza cand o sa va uitati la cuvantul cheie

I'm sorry to tell you, but I can not give you the admin. A very good reason is that you do not know the Romanian language. Most players on the server are Romanians who do not have English knowledge.
And another reason I reject your request is: the keyword is wrong. Actually, I'm not going to translate all the general rules.