View Full Version : Cerere Admin |N.O.K.I.L.L|*Jessi* [ACCEPTAT]

23-09-2018, 10:55 PM
Grad: Admin
Nick: |N.O.K.I.L.L|*Jessi*
Data: Nastere: 27/04/2000
Varsta: 18
ID de STEAM: 5333 STEAM_ID_LAN 0 15:31 81 0
Adresa contact: Mezibara@gmail.com
Experienta: 7 ani
Timp jucat: 11 ore 20 min (mai mult de 1000 de ore pe servers deathrun, joc de acuma 4 ani pe dr)
Perioada: Dupameaza si seara
Promovare: Twitter
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Regulament Critic?: Da
Cuvantul cheie:@heie Just play :p

(Im spanish, so i can speak spanish and english, i can understand a bit of romain, so i think isnt a problem, i write a bit bad romain ^^" but i try and all time i do my best :)

23-09-2018, 11:28 PM
:pro: Slot, for beginning, GL

23-09-2018, 11:29 PM
Buena. Lamento anunciarte, pero más que el grado de SLOT que no puedo ofrecerte, porque el administrador será muy difícil. (by Google Translate :)) ).

Buna. Imi pare rau sa te anunt, dar mai mult decat gradul de SLOT nu iti pot oferi, deoarece ca admin o sa iti fie foarte foarte greu.

24-09-2018, 12:09 AM
that's one of the big deal that i was trying to say. Especially on 1.6 servers the main core players are cancerous. So with this being said it would be a nightmare to you as an admin since you don't know how to properly speak or write in romain. But hey, look over the filled glass of water ! You can still get a SLOT acces. Wich means if the server (ever) is full you have your own seat to join the server, plus no one gonna enter your nick-name and mess your reputation. Oh and that cool prefix in chat [SLOT] and you'll be shown on the admins list ( /who) .
And who knows maybe one day you'll get V.I.P. acces due to your activity on forum and server.
As a slot you have the right to comment on our future requests. Also remember, you can't get a reputation if u don't vote the server.
Best regards, Chancro.
:pro: from me.

offtopic: first thing in my mind after reading your firsts paragraphs was: well mother f#cker, he's/she's romanian. And i was like: well then, why he/she communicate w/ me on english on the chat server? Maybe wants to improve his/her english acknowledge. Then i read your last paragraph and i was like: oh, nevermind. Also I'm intersted on you. You play pretty good deathrun, maybe you could join my clan. We'll discuss this later on the server. Cya@.

24-09-2018, 12:11 AM
Sure ^^ Will be nice for begin, u will see :) i will improve rlly fast ^^

24-09-2018, 12:17 AM
:pro: Good luck

24-09-2018, 12:20 AM
Déjame PM con nick y pase