View Full Version : Cerere unban Diana. sau didiene__

15-07-2018, 11:52 PM
UNIQUE ID (OPTIONAL): <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
NUME: didiene__ sau Diana.
ID DE STEAM: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> STEAM_0:1:102019324
DATA SI ORA BAN: acum 2 saptamani cred
Grad-ul infractiunii: 2
DATA SI ORA SCANARE: nu stiu exact
SCREENSHOT (OPTIONAL): <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
Plata o voi face paypal, te voi anunta pe steam cand va fi plata facuta. Nu stiu daca aici se face cererea de unban ( in caz ca gresesc imi muti tu topicu te rog )