View Full Version : Reclamatie General

17-04-2018, 09:20 PM
Am o plangere asupra lui
General -
Nu mi-a raspuns la mesaje,nu a intrat spec sa faca scan si toti jucatori il acuzau de Aim si Wall...din pacate mi-a iesit din joc si nu mai am topicul dar Moon care a fost de fata sa ma ajute cu topicul

Moon River
17-04-2018, 09:36 PM
Server # 316
Moon River connected
Couldn't open file overviews/gg_fy_repub.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/gg_fy_repub.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Moon River is joining the Terrorist force
"mp_timelimit" changed to "44.999999"
Puffachu connected
Puffachu is joining the Terrorist force
Moon River : gata asta e amea

[WarGods.ro] Scrieti /info in chat pentru detalii despre acest server
[Reset Score]: scrie /reset daca vrei sa iti resetezi scorul de la zero
[INFO] Anunta codatii folosind U@ Numele Codatului
ADMIN B.A.M.: vote kick for General
ItzWolf voted against
Acceptam Servere in Comunitate! Oferta unica! detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
KANO killed Moon River with deagle
Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
Puffachu killed KANO with deagle
Time Left: 44:52 min. Next Map: [nu se voteaza momentan]
Moon River voted against
KANO voted for
* Comunitatea WarGods accepta parteneriate / banner exchange cu alte comunitati!!!
ItzWolf : daa daii

Voting failed (yes "1") (no "2") (needed "2")
Not recording a demo.
recording to WarGods_demo.dem.
Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
*** KANO killed Moon River with a headshot from deagle ***
Moon River : de ce ma sa ia kcik c evaeti?

"sv_restartround" changed to "1"
"sv_restartround" changed to "0"
The game will restart in 1 SECOND
ItzWolf : am gresit

[WarGods.ro] Jucatorii cu lag mai mare de 110ms vor primi kick!
[GunGame] Am inregistrat in folderul tau cstrike un demo cu numele "WarGods_demo.dem"
[GunGame] Demo-ul a fost inregistrat la 13:58:20
ItzWolf : are creva

[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : wall
Adaugati serverul la Favorite! Add server to Favorites!
KANO killed Puffachu with glock18
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 1 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME PE ECHIPE
*** KANO killed Puffachu with a headshot from glock18 ***
Moon River killed ItzWolf with glock18
ItzWolf : dai bann

Moon River : general?/

Puffachu killed KANO with glock18
* Se cauta fondatori pentru server de CS:GO, SAMP si Minecraft
KANO killed Puffachu with glock18
ItzWolf : da

[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : general faci scan
Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
*** Moon River killed ItzWolf with a headshot from knife ***
MOUSE4 is unbound.
Vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea GunGame [Regulament-Discutii-Admine-Unban-Reclamatii]
ItzWolf : dai ban

*** KANO killed Moon River with a headshot from glock18 ***
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 2 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME INDIVIDUAL
Moon River killed KANO with usp
Moon River : nu pot s acerd

Moon River (RADIO): Follow Me.
KANO killed Puffachu with glock18
* Pentru cele mai noi informatii vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
(ADMIN) B.A.M. : c<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
*** Moon River killed ItzWolf with a headshot from usp ***
*** KANO killed Puffachu with a headshot from glock18 ***
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 1 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME PE ECHIPE
Oferim Slot si Admin jucatorilor fideli serverului! Pentru cereri <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea Gungame
[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : intra aici General
Moon River killed ItzWolf with usp
Moon River : general ai jucat cu cod>?//

Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
Moon River (RADIO): Taking Fire...Need Assistance!
ItzWolf : a jucat ma nu intelegiio

*** Moon River killed KANO with a headshot from usp ***
* Info: Intrati pe serverul nostru de TeamSpeak3 -> TS.WarGods.ro
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 2 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME INDIVIDUAL
*** ItzWolf killed Puffachu with a headshot from usp ***
Scrieti RTV pentru a porni votarea hartilor
KANO killed Moon River with usp
Moon River : parea ok

[INFO] Pentru a vedea orele jucate scrieti ore
* NEWS: Cautam scripteri SAMP. Oferim servere gratuite de SAMP (50 sloturi, port 7777)
[G]*ALIVE*ItzWolf : nu parea
ItzWolf : k delo

Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
ItzWolf : deloc

Moon River : destroy

ItzWolf : sa speram

ItzWolf killed Moon River with usp
Vreti sa vorbiti? Intrati pe TS.WarGods.ro!
[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : general?
*** KANO killed Puffachu with a headshot from usp ***
Moon River : capul

[INFO] Pentru Slot/Admin/UnBan/etc.. vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea GunGame
KANO killed Puffachu with p228
* NEWS: Cautam scripteri, designeri, bloggeri. Pentru mai multe detalii viziteaza <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
Moon River killed self with worldspawn
ItzWolf : dai ban daca nu raspunde B.A.M

Puffachu killed ItzWolf with usp
Moon River : otz de ce ma d ce

*** Moon River killed KANO with a headshot from usp ***
Bine ati venit pe GunGame.WarGods.ro vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
[INFO] Adaugati la favorite GG.WarGods.ro ! Add GG.WarGods.ro to the favorites!
ItzWolf : are wall

Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
Moon River (RADIO): Taking Fire...Need Assistance!
ItzWolf : tu nu intelegi

General has left the game
* Comunitatea WarGods va ureaza Paste Fericit!
ItzWolf : esti turk?

Moon River : da i ban

KANO killed Moon River with p228
ItzWolf : eu?

ADMIN B.A.M.: kick General
ItzWolf : /admins

KANO killed Moon River with p228
[INFO] Pentru a vedea orele jucate scrieti ore
Cautam Admini seriosi sa se ocupe de server! Detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
Moon River : bam ai admin??

KANO killed Moon River with p228
CryBaby connected
ItzWolf killed Puffachu with deagle
ItzWolf : e uma sa ii dau ban?

*** KANO killed Moon River with a headshot from deagle ***
] hud_centerid 1
JinJuu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
] amx_who
You have no access to that command
Moon River : felicitari

Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
ItzWolf : da are

ItzWolf killed Puffachu with deagle
* Comunitatea WarGods accepta parteneriate / banner exchange cu alte comunitati!!!
*** Moon River killed KANO with a headshot from p228 ***
Welcome to GunGame.WarGods.ro visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
ItzWolf killed Moon River with deagle
* CryBaby changed name to JinJuu
*** Puffachu killed JinJuu with a headshot from p228 ***
KANO killed Puffachu with deagle
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 2 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME INDIVIDUAL
General connected
* Se cauta fondatori pentru server de CS:GO, SAMP si Minecraft
KANO killed Puffachu with deagle
General is joining the Terrorist force
[INFO] Cautam admini! Vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> pentru mai multe detalii!
JinJuu killed Puffachu with fiveseven
Moon River : kano

*** JinJuu killed Puffachu with a headshot from fiveseven ***
Moon River killed ItzWolf with knife
KANO : aoloo

General killed JinJuu with p228
Adaugati serverul la Favorite! Add server to Favorites!
Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
Moon River (RADIO): Hold This Position.
Moon River killed JinJuu with p228
[Important] Va rugam sa pastrati un limbaj cat mai adecvat pe server!
*** Moon River killed KANO with a headshot from deagle ***
JinJuu killed General with fiveseven
Puffachu killed JinJuu with deagle
* Pentru cele mai noi informatii vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
JinJuu killed Puffachu with fiveseven
JinJuu killed Moon River with fiveseven
[WarGods Shield]: This server is protected by WarGods Shield! For more details visit
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
MOUSE4 is unbound.
MOUSE4 is unbound.
Moon River (RADIO): Hold This Position.
KANO : zii

Moon River (RADIO): Hold This Position.
Puffachu killed ItzWolf with deagle
*DEAD* Moon River : ah

JinJuu : iesh ma

Daca vrei ca harta preferata sa apara printre optiunile de vot scrie in chat: propune numele_hartii
General killed JinJuu with deagle
Moon River killed KANO with deagle
[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : acum am revenit
General killed JinJuu with deagle
[INFO] Vrei sa vorbesti ? intra pe TS.WarGods.ro
General killed KANO with fiveseven
JinJuu killed Puffachu with fiveseven
Moon River (RADIO): Regroup Team.
Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
ItzWolf killed General with fiveseven
Moon River : nuu

* Info: Intrati pe serverul nostru de TeamSpeak3 -> TS.WarGods.ro
ItzWolf killed Puffachu with fiveseven
[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : ceva nou?
Type RTV to change map!
Moon River : generale ai cod ma?/

Puffachu killed KANO with fiveseven
[Important] Oferim SLOT la minim o ora jucatape server prin cerere pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
-sectiunea gungame!
*** ItzWolf killed Puffachu with a headshot from elite ***
General killed KANO with fiveseven
* NEWS: Cautam scripteri SAMP. Oferim servere gratuite de SAMP (50 sloturi, port 7777)
ItzWolf killed Puffachu with elite
*** ItzWolf killed Puffachu with a headshot from elite ***
[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : general intra spec ca sa faci un scan
Moon River killed self with worldspawn
[INFO] Anunta codatii folosind U@ Numele Codatului
*** ItzWolf killed Puffachu with a headshot from elite ***
General killed KANO with fiveseven
Moon River killed ItzWolf with fiveseven
Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
JinJuu : esti admin bam?:))

Acceptam Servere in Comunitate! Oferta unica! detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
*** KANO killed Moon River with a headshot from elite ***
ItzWolf killed General with elite
[G]*DEAD*B.A.M. : General nu raspunzo?
Puffachu killed KANO with fiveseven
Moon River (RADIO): Hold This Position.
ItzWolf killed Puffachu with m3
* NEWS: Cautam scripteri, designeri, bloggeri. Pentru mai multe detalii viziteaza <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
General has left the game
ItzWolf : da e admin

ItzWolf killed Puffachu with m3
Moon River : da i cu siremna

Puffachu killed ItzWolf with fiveseven
KANO killed Puffachu with m3
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 1 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME PE ECHIPE
KANO killed Moon River with m3
JinJuu : /rs

ADMIN B.A.M.: kick General
Adaugati serverul la Favorite! Add server to Favorites!
Moon River killed JinJuu with elite
Puffachu killed KANO with elite
Moon River : asa

Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
JinJuu killed Moon River with m3
[G]*ALIVE*ItzWolf : bam da ma ban
JinJuu killed Puffachu with m3
General connected
[G]*ALIVE*ItzWolf : dai
General is joining the Terrorist force
* Comunitatea WarGods va ureaza Paste Fericit!
KANO killed Puffachu with xm1014
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 2 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME INDIVIDUAL
JinJuu killed Moon River with xm1014
KANO killed Puffachu with xm1014
[G]*ALIVE*JinJuu : :D
Vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea GunGame [Regulament-Discutii-Admine-Unban-Reclamatii]
B.A.M. has left the game
JinJuu killed General with xm1014
*** Puffachu killed ItzWolf with a headshot from elite ***
B.A.M. connected
KANO killed Puffachu with xm1014
Moon River : dai dadi dai

KANO killed General with xm1014
Puffachu killed JinJuu with elite
*** General killed KANO with a headshot from elite ***
Moon River (RADIO): Taking Fire...Need Assistance!
ItzWolf killed Puffachu with tmp
Moon River killed ItzWolf with elite
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 1 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME PE ECHIPE
*** KANO killed Moon River with a headshot from tmp ***
KANO killed General with tmp
*** ItzWolf killed Puffachu with a headshot from tmp ***
* Comunitatea WarGods accepta parteneriate / banner exchange cu alte comunitati!!!
Moon River killed KANO with m3
*** ItzWolf killed Moon River with a headshot from tmp ***
Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta - Type RTV to change map
JinJuu dropped
JinJuu has left the game
Moon River (RADIO): Follow Me.
Moon River (RADIO): Get out of there, it's gonna blow!
Oferim Slot si Admin jucatorilor fideli serverului! Pentru cereri <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea Gungame
*** ItzWolf killed Puffachu with a headshot from tmp ***
[GUNGAME] Apasa ( 2 ) la inceputul rundei pentru a juca GUNGAME INDIVIDUAL
Puffachu killed ItzWolf with m3
* Se cauta fondatori pentru server de CS:GO, SAMP si Minecraft
General killed ItzWolf with m3

wGods | Toxic
17-04-2018, 11:49 PM
:pro: ban no.wcd minim 1200 min - maxim 10000 min
Trebuia urmărit înainte de a fi pus la scan.

18-04-2018, 12:07 AM
Pro ban pentru refuz wcd. M am uitat pe el nu cred ca are nimic joaca bine.

18-04-2018, 02:59 AM

18-04-2018, 08:04 AM
:pro: Ban pentru refuz

WarGods | KGB
18-04-2018, 12:46 PM
Banat 7000 minute ,wall.ref.WCD

Banat x7000 minute !