View Full Version : info ban BlackWatch

22-11-2017, 03:42 AM
UNIQUE ID: 391*7b4e3*ab4d58ab5*52*de6861*e4

Name: BlackWatch;1^
IP: (sorry i got the ban before 1month after the ban i leave the game but this my ip for now:-S )

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:9646073

DATE AND TIME BAN: 21.10.2017 /20.10.2017 1:00/4:00PM (i dont know if i got the ban after my last scan or when i tried scan)

DATE AND TIME SCAN: 20.10.2017/21.10.2017 1:00 PM/4:00 PM

SCREENSHOT: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

MENTIONS: Hello, I Was Play Normal Everyday in Automix Servers And The Players+Admins Always Call Me Scan But In 21.10.2017 The Admin Call Me To Scan And When i Go To Scan I See The Ban Message, After The Ban I Leave The Game For 1month And Today I Back And I Want Know Why The Ban And Can Help Me TO UNBAN?
I Think The Ban Becouse I Have Many Steam Accounts Or Becouse I Scan So Much Everyday Please Help:((

22-11-2017, 07:51 PM
Hi. You have been banned because of changed your unique id multiple times in October. Changing your unique id manually is forbidden.

// UniqueID -> Time
56****a91e****c082****9c28****7f -> 19.10.2017 03:04:44
3e****e9a0****6f86****3497****62 -> 13.10.2017 02:58:25
28****9c8e****5486****1e15****56 -> 09.10.2017 02:50:31
28****9c8e****5486****1e15****56 -> 08.10.2017 19:38:48
28****9c8e****5486****1e15****56 -> 08.10.2017 19:02:28
0c****8acb****ca8b****4beb****ba -> 07.10.2017 18:11:17
48****1382****4b99****8598****e0 -> 05.10.2017 22:22:04
48****1382****4b99****8598****e0 -> 04.10.2017 23:59:21
db****423f****2893****8f1c****98 -> 03.10.2017 00:39:45
db****423f****2893****8f1c****98 -> 03.10.2017 00:17:56
db****423f****2893****8f1c****98 -> 02.10.2017 23:48:20
db****423f****2893****8f1c****98 -> 02.10.2017 22:22:49
db****423f****2893****8f1c****98 -> 02.10.2017 22:02:06
db****423f****2893****8f1c****98 -> 02.10.2017 20:08:36
2c****ef19****489d****f5f1****35 -> 02.10.2017 02:53:15
2c****ef19****489d****f5f1****35 -> 02.10.2017 01:42:28
2c****ef19****489d****f5f1****35 -> 02.10.2017 00:57:58
2c****ef19****489d****f5f1****35 -> 02.10.2017 00:43:42
2c****ef19****489d****f5f1****35 -> 02.10.2017 00:31:06
2c****ef19****489d****f5f1****35 -> 01.10.2017 23:18:03

You need to pay 10 euro (first degree) in order to get unban.