View Full Version : Plugin in English

15-11-2017, 02:38 PM
Hello. I using plugin wac_resources.amxx in my server and I missed one thing. Why English language not supported? The big part of the players in my server knows only English language.

Could be created separately plugin but only with English language. Or imported lang file?

I would be very grateful. Thanks.

Used translator:

Buna. Am folosit pluginul wac_resources.amxx în serverul meu și mi-a lipsit un lucru. De ce nu este acceptată limba engleză? Cea mai mare parte a jucătorilor din serverul meu cunoaște numai limba engleză.

Poate fi creat plugin separat, dar numai cu limba engleză. Sau fișier lang importat?

Aș fi foarte recunoscător. Mulțumiri.

16-11-2017, 09:22 PM
Hi. WarGods AntiCheat ( <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> ) is outdated and you shouldn't use it anymore. The last update of WAC was about 5 years ago, the author abandoned this project. Use WarGods Cheat Defender ( <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> ) instead.