View Full Version : I got baned premanently for impersonating other players!

29-10-2017, 09:25 AM
I don't speak Romanian and i don't understand. Sory for not being able to stick to the unban request because i didn't understand it!
I got banned from using wargods cheat defender scan, I just cahnged PC and when i loged there , I mean when i used it because an server admins aked to, it showed a message as shown in the photo below!
If you could help me, teach me the way to unban because i cant play in most of the servers without wargod scan!
I haven't impersonated other players , I have always used cs 1.6 on steam, and idk how could I impersonate other player, i think this is a mistake. I only have used wargods about 10 times in 5 months!
Thanks for your time!
Photo link :<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

29-10-2017, 11:05 AM
Hi. You have been banned from wCD because you modified the unique id several time. From august, this year, until now you have been caught using 11 different unique ids. If you want unban you need to pay the unban fee - second degree (20 euro). We don't accept players to manually modify this unique id, it's against our terms and conditions.

29-10-2017, 11:07 AM
Modified the unique id ? I don't get it? What is it ?

--------------- Added after 6 minutes ---------------

Ok i got it! Thanks anyway, sory for disturbing and taking your time!

29-10-2017, 11:23 AM
Here is the log:

// ID -> Unique ID -> Nick -> IP -> Scan time
"843908" -> "189c****37dd****be2c****38****e8" -> "Player" -> "79.1**.**6.*9" -> "02-08-2017 05:15:43"
"843930" -> "153c****8bb5****a947****a8****18" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*9" -> "02-08-2017 05:25:57"
"843962" -> "153c****8bb5****a947****a8****18" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*9" -> "02-08-2017 05:46:05"
"844009" -> "153c****8bb5****a947****a8****18" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*9" -> "02-08-2017 06:14:49"
"844037" -> "153c****8bb5****a947****a8****18" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*9" -> "02-08-2017 06:27:08"
"844530" -> "3efa****d20c****837b****d5****82" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*1" -> "02-08-2017 10:09:40"
"844609" -> "3efa****d20c****837b****d5****82" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*1" -> "02-08-2017 10:46:00"
"845218" -> "ed4c****48f4****bfb5****fc****10" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*9" -> "03-08-2017 10:55:09"
"846034" -> "6544****a206****b26f****1b****26" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*8" -> "03-08-2017 05:49:10"
"847407" -> "ebe2****27e1****8f69****0c****de" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.6" -> "04-08-2017 01:35:41"
"847474" -> "ebe2****27e1****8f69****0c****de" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.6" -> "04-08-2017 02:08:29"
"850336" -> "d39b****3549****8591****d5****02" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*4" -> "05-08-2017 11:23:21"
"864150" -> "c2a7****c278****ac73****c0****d9" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*0" -> "13-08-2017 12:45:16"
"866287" -> "f17a****63d4****ae4b****84****a5" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*5" -> "14-08-2017 03:14:16"
"866494" -> "f17a****63d4****ae4b****84****a5" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*5" -> "14-08-2017 04:56:13"
"872714" -> "a96e****e13b****8b75****17****de" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*6" -> "17-08-2017 09:15:41"
"979845" -> "a72e****8590****bde2****7c****64" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*5" -> "15-10-2017 04:25:05"
"987760" -> "a72e****8590****bde2****7c****64" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*0" -> "20-10-2017 02:50:17"
"989168" -> "a72e****8590****bde2****7c****64" -> "JusT4FunN" -> "79.1**.**6.*0" -> "21-10-2017 09:05:45"

I censored your Unique ID and your IP address. As you can see in the log you have several unique ids, which means you modified them manually. It's impossible to have 11 different unique id from august until now...

29-10-2017, 11:41 AM
Yes but it has always been me , it hasnt been any other player as it says : impersonating other players, and I dont think any of those had hacking atmpts,I had nonsteam cs. The reason was that i had a server included with this nonsteam cs and i was testing wargods because symbols like Jû§Ť4FûňŇ are not allowed and i thought it doesnt work so i kept changing cs to fix that until I found that you should remove those symbols.

29-10-2017, 12:35 PM
That's the message given by wCD if you change your unique id. Changing your CS doesn't modify your unique id. Unique ID was changed manually.

As I said if you want unban you need to pay the unban fee - second degree (20 euro) - Paypal / Paysafe.
