View Full Version : Reclamaţie Max

04-05-2017, 04:18 PM
Nick-ul tau: oAmDeCal
Varsta: 17
Nick-ul admin-ului/player-ului: Max
Ora si Data / harta: Harta - dr_latexx
Motiv: Apăi toţi muriseră (mai puţin eu) şi am dat duel(ţin să precizez că nu am terminat mapa) cu ruleta rusească pentru că am mai văzut aşa ceva şi la alţii şi nu era nevoie să termin mapa ca să dau duel.
Atunci Max mi-a dat slay pe motiv că am dat duel cu armă fără să termin mapa.
La nervi am zis "Bă voi sunteţi tāmpiţi ?" referindu-mă la el şi altcineva *nu mai ştiu cine* şi am luat gag 3 minute, am meritat gagul ăsta.
După ce s-a dus gagul, la nervi, am īnceput să mă iau de el, īntrebāndu-l dacă ştie măcar ce īnseamnă ruleta rusească şi chestii de genul. După cāteva minute de la ameninţarea cu gag-ul mi-a dat gag 5 minute pe motivul "termină". Nu l-am jignit pe el, nu am jignit pe nimeni.
Tot ce e de văzut se vede īn ce am copiat din consolă.

**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
zdop killed self with trigger_hurt
Max killed self with trigger_hurt
"deathrun_mode" changed to "DUEL"
[DeathRun]: Ruleta ruseasca a inceput: oAmDeCal Impotriva lui Pro Dea**run
oAmDeCal died
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

[DeathRun]: Ne ntoarcem toba strict pe coada!
[DeathRun]: Incepem: oAmDeCal
"deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
*DEAD*Max : /slay oam
S.W.A.T.EXE DoWn #Doge killed self with trigger_hurt
[Deathrun] Lenci and Orest is now the terrorist.
ADMIN Max: slay oAmDeCal
**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : de ce ba ?

Max : ai dat duel cu arma

*:^3loOoOokY^:* connected
*:^3loOoOokY^:* is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Max killed self with trigger_hurt
Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
Max : si nu ai ajuns la tero

Server protejat de WarGods Shield - powered by Tiger
oAmDeCal : era ruleta ruseasca

oAmDeCal : ba

zdop : si cum il omori?

oAmDeCal : ba voi sunteti tampiti ?

[VIP]: Scrie in chat /vipgratuit pentru detaliile cu privire la obtinerea VIP-ului
[FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
[Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
S.W.A.T.EXE DoWn #Doge killed self with trigger_hurt
[WarGods Shield]: This server is protected by WarGods Shield! For more details visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
Max killed self with trigger_hurt
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with trigger_hurt
[WarGods Shield]: New version is available to download [2.1520]
zdop killed self with trigger_hurt
oAmDeCal : Max

Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
Max : /gag 3 oAm calm

ADMIN Max: a dat GAG jucatorului *:^3loOoOokY^:* pentru 0 minute, motiv calm .
oAmDeCal killed self with trigger_hurt
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

(JUCATOR) oAmDeCal : ai reclamatie pentru slay
ADMIN Max: a dat GAG jucatorului oAmDeCal pentru 3 minute, motiv calm .
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with trigger_hurt
Bine ati venit pe Dr.WarGods.Ro! Va uram distractie placuta!
[Deathrun] Pro Dea**run is now the terrorist.
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with trigger_hurt
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with trigger_hurt
S.W.A.T.EXE DoWn #Doge killed self with trigger_hurt
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
zdop killed self with trigger_hurt
*DEAD* Max : du.te si fa

[Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
oAmDeCal killed self with trigger_hurt
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

Max killed self with trigger_hurt
[Deathrun] Max is now the terrorist.
Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
[GAG]: Ai primit gag de la Max pe motiv: calm. Au mai ramas 2 minute.
oAmDeCal killed self with trigger_hurt
zdop killed self with trigger_hurt
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

[GAG]: Ai primit gag de la Max pe motiv: calm. Au mai ramas 2 minute.
Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
[FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
zdop killed self with trigger_hurt
**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with trigger_hurt
oAmDeCal killed self with trigger_hurt
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
[Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
ace* dropped
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with trigger_hurt
S.W.A.T.EXE DoWn #Doge killed self with trigger_hurt
ace* connected
ace* is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[Dr.WarGods.Ro] Jucatorul zdop ajuns la ultimul checkpoint in 1:07
S.W.A.T.EXE DoWn #Doge dropped
S.W.A.T.EXE DoWn #Doge has left the game
Master__________ connected
Master__________ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[Admin/Slot]: Scrie in chat /vreauadmin pentru detaliile cu privire la obtinerea unui grad!
Master__________ dropped
Master__________ has left the game
Master__________ connected
Master__________ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Master__________ dropped
Master__________ has left the game
[GAG]: Ai primit UnGAG cu succes!
oAmDeCal killed self with trigger_hurt
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

"deathrun_mode" changed to "DUEL"
**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
[DeathRun]: A inceput duelul cu Deagle: zdop Impotriva lui Max
Welcome to Dr.WarGods.Ro
[Deathrun]: Type /knife to change your knife skins. Scrie /knife ca sa-ti schimbi knife-ul!
[FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
Max killed zdop with deagle
[Deathrun] *:^3loOoOokY^:* is now the terrorist.
"deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
*DEAD* zdop : wp

Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : max

oAmDeCal : In toata viata ta de 12 ani

ace* killed self with trigger_hurt
oAmDeCal : de un an de cand joci cs

Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
oAmDeCal : si dr

oAmDeCal : ai jucat vreodata ruleta ruseasca ?

oAmDeCal : sau stii macar ce inseamna ?

Max : ba prietene

[Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
[WarGods Shield]: This server is protected by WarGods Shield! For more details visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
[WarGods Shield]: New version is available to download [2.1520]
oAmDeCal : nu imi esti prieten

ace* killed self with trigger_hurt
The next map voting will begin in 11 minutes...
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
[Dr.WarGods.Ro] Jucatorul zdop ajuns la ultimul checkpoint in 0:47
*** *:^3loOoOokY^:* killed zdop with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Pro Dea**run killed self with trigger_hurt
Max : cu copii de 10 ani nici nu poti fi prieten

*DEAD*zdop : mda
*:^3loOoOokY^:* : sorry

oAmDeCal : am zis ca ai 12, nu 10

[Dr.WarGods.Ro] Jucatorul Max ajuns la ultimul checkpoint in 1:26
oAmDeCal : dar in fine, crezi ce vrei

oAmDeCal killed self with worldspawn
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

"deathrun_mode" changed to "DUEL"
[FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
Max : tu ai 10 nu eu ,)

*** Max killed *:^3loOoOokY^:* with a headshot from deagle ***
**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
"deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
[DeathRun]: A inceput duelul cu Deagle: Max Impotriva lui *:^3loOoOokY^:*
[Deathrun] ace* is now the terrorist.
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : hai nu zau =)))

zdop killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
oAmDeCal : ia raspunde la intrebare

Pro Dea**run timed out
Pro Dea**run has left the game
oAmDeCal : stii ce e sau cum se joaca ruleta ruseasca ?

[Dr.WarGods.Ro]: Pastrati un limbaj decent pe server!
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
[Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
Bun venit pe Dr.WarGods.Ro
Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
oAmDeCal : normal ca nu raspunzi

oAmDeCal : toti copiii au admin si helper mai nou

Max killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
[Dr.WarGods.Ro] Jucatorul zdop ajuns la ultimul checkpoint in 1:00
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
*DEAD*Max : ai de tine :))
oAmDeCal killed self with trigger_hurt
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : as zice mai bine "'ai de tine", nu de mine

*ALIVE*Max : mai bine taci
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : pe mine macar ma lasa mami sa ma uit la filme +12, macar de acolo puteai invata

*DEAD* oAmDeCal : ce e ruleta ruseasca

[FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : o sa imi dai gag ?

Max killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
"deathrun_mode" changed to "DUEL"
*DEAD* Max : daca nu te potolesti da

[DeathRun]: Ruleta ruseasca a inceput: zdop Impotriva lui ace*
[DeathRun]: Ne ntoarcem toba strict pe coada!
[DeathRun]: Incepem: zdop
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : cu ce motiv ?

*DEAD* oAmDeCal : na putza

zdop died ***
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : uite

"deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : ruleta ruseasca

*DEAD* oAmDeCal : nu tre' sa fii langa tero pentru a juca

"deathrun_mode" changed to "FreeRun"
[Deathrun] oAmDeCal is now the terrorist.
ace* killed self with trigger_hurt
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : vezi ?

*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
[Deathrun]: Ai ales HP Mult [+200]
[FreeRun] Terrorist decided - round with no traps
*:^3loOoOokY^:* killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
zdop killed self with trigger_hurt
Loks connected
Loks is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
oAmDeCal : mno

oAmDeCal : acum taci ?

Max : ba termina

[Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
ExpErT dropped
Server protejat de WarGods Shield - powered by Tiger
Visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
Max : tu chiar vrei ban?

oAmDeCal : da

oAmDeCal : recunoaste ca mi-ai dat slay degeaba

Max : stai sa l chem de diablos

Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
[ANUNT]: Oferim grade de Slot 30 ore - Helper 70 ore - Premium 100 ore.
ExpErT connected
ExpErT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
*:^3loOoOokY^:* dropped
*:^3loOoOokY^:* has left the game
Max killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
[WarGods Shield]: This server is protected by WarGods Shield! For more details visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
ace* killed self with trigger_hurt
[WarGods Shield]: New version is available to download [2.1520]
zdop : linq nu e la scoala?

Mona* connected
Mona* is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Max : nuj

[Dr.WarGods.Ro] Jucatorul zdop ajuns la ultimul checkpoint in 1:28
PM Got a velocity too high on 1
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PM Got a velocity too high on 1
PM Got a velocity too high on 1
PM Got a velocity too high on 1
PM Got a velocity too high on 1
Max killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
"deathrun_mode" changed to "DUEL"
*DEAD*Max : lag.
[DeathRun]: A inceput duelul cu Deagle: zdop Impotriva lui oAmDeCal
*** zdop killed oAmDeCal with a headshot from deagle ***
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

[DeathRun]: Trageti strict cate un glont pe rand!
"deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
*DEAD*Max : /rs
[Deathrun] ExpErT is now the terrorist.
*DEAD* oAmDeCal : gg

oAmDeCal killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

Mona* killed self with trigger_hurt
zdop : wp

oAmDeCal : Max, ai invatat si tu un lucru nou azi ?


Max : ba tu ma rogi sa ti dau gag

**Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
oAmDeCal : cu ce motiv ?

Lenci and Orest killed self with trigger_hurt
[Deathrun]: Type /knife to change your knife skins. Scrie /knife ca sa-ti schimbi knife-ul!
Mona* killed self with trigger_hurt
[Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
[FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
ExpErT : /knife

ExpErT : /knife

[Dr.WarGods.Ro] Jucatorul zdop ajuns la ultimul checkpoint in 0:44
ADMIN Max: a dat GAG jucatorului oAmDeCal pentru 5 minute, motiv termina .
ExpErT : thanks

oAmDeCal killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
[SVC_STUFFTEXT] Server tried to send invalid command: +duck;-duck;spec_menu 0

zdop : yw

*DEAD*Mona* : ooo ace
Max killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***

Mentiuni: -

04-05-2017, 04:37 PM
Din cate stiu eu, nu ai voie sa dai duel fara sa termini mapa. E adevarat ca mai trecem cu vederea cand se mai da duel.

04-05-2017, 06:02 PM
La ruleta ruseasca, verba si matematic nu e neaparat sa se dea slay.
Aici e si greseala ta, fiindca ai inceput cu glume proaste, amenintari si alte cele. Max doar si-a facut datoria.
Data viitoare nu te mai da cocos, ca poate te trezesti si cu un ban. Reclamatie facuta din fustrare