View Full Version : Lista arme

31-03-2017, 09:54 PM
Stiu ca au mai fost postate inafara forumului si mai exact aici <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Dar m-am gandit ca trebuie sa le avem si pe forum .Deci sa incepem cu lista armelor

ID : 1 = Fists (inele)
ID : 2 = Golf Club ( daia de golf )
ID : 3 = Night Stick ( politist )
ID : 4 = Knife ( cutit )
ID : 5 = Bata
ID : 6 = Lopata
ID : 7 = Pool Cue ( nu am stiut ce inseamna )
ID : 8 = Katana ( sabie NinJa )
ID : 9 = Fierastrau ( ChainSaw )

Idurile de la 10 la 13 sunt vibratoare:

ID : 14 = Flowers
ID : 15 = Baston
ID : 16 = Grenazi
ID : 17 = Smoke Grenade
ID : 18 = Molotov
ID : 19 = Vehicle Missile
ID : 20 = Hydra Flare
ID : 21 = Jetpack
ID : 22 = 9mM
ID : 23 = Silenced 9mm
ID : 24 = Desert Eagle
ID : 25 = Shotgun
ID : 26 = Sawnoff Shotgun
ID : 27 = Combat Shotgun
ID : 28 = Micro SMG (Mac 10)
ID : 29 = SMG (MP5)
ID : 30 = AK47 (Kalashnikov)
ID : 31 = M4
ID : 32 = Tec9
ID : 33 = Country Rifle
ID : 34 = Sniper Rifle
ID : 35 = Rocket Launcher
ID : 36 = HS Rocket Launcher
ID : 37 = Flame Thrower
ID : 38 = Mini Gun
ID : 39 = Satchel Charge
ID : 40 = Detonator
ID : 41 = Spray can
ID : 42 = Fire Extinguisher
ID : 43 = Camera
ID : 44 = Nightvision Goggles
ID : 45 = Infrared Vision
ID : 46 = Parachute