View Full Version : [EN] Server Rules

20-11-2016, 01:14 AM
Counter-Terrorist [Anti-Furien]:

-You Are not allowed to do TXT in the map (Slay/ban 10-30min)
-you are not allowed to camp (Slay/Ban 10-30min)
-You are allowed to use the silent walk (Shift) just when you want to go through a "HE" in the mode "Motion-Senzor" otherwise (Slay)
-you are not allowed to make camp-zone (to repeat the same way more than 2 times,you must move in all the map) (slay/kick/Ban 10-30min)
-When the round start you must leave the baza quickly (Slay/kick/ban 10-30min)
-From Now,In the maps like de_cliff, you are allowed to use the armes on the ground)

Terrorist [Furien]

-You are not allowed to put more than 2he when you plant the C4 (Slay/kick)
-In the last 30sec you must plant the C4,if you dont (Slay)

Player Rules:

-You are not allowed to use a bad language (Gag 1-10min),if you repeat the bad language after you receive gag (Ban 30min)
-You are not allowed to comment the job of the admin and to disrespect him (Gag 1-5min)
-You are not allowed to give restart after you receive gag (Ban 30min)
-You are not allowed to use' any code (Ban permanent)
-You are not allowed to make reclama for other sv (Ban permanent)
-You are not allowed to make spam in the command u@ (kick/ban 30min)
-You are not allowed to give the location of a player or where the bmb has been planted (gag 1-3min)
-You are not allowed to make spam in the chat(Gag 1-5min)
-You are not allowed to stay spec when the sv is full (Kick)
(If you have read this,when you want to make a request,in the question "did you read the rules" you will answer with "Yes,and i'll Respect it" otherwise your request will be rejected!)

Admin Rules:

-All the admins have to post all their ban permanent for cod in the forum at the sectiun (Banlist)
-You are not allowed to use a command on an other admin (Exception: amx_ss and Blind) (-2)
-You are allowed to change the map just in the last 5min with the command amx_votemap (check /harti to dont repeat the same maps and ask the players for the maps they want) (Avertisement/-1)
-You have to respect the other admins/players (-1)
-You are not allowed to give ban direct for camp,you must give at least 2slay ( and explain to the player why he received slay) (-1/-2)
-You have to be actif in the forum and the sv(if you wont be actif more than 3days without doing a request for the absence you will get remove)
-you are not allowed to use spam with the admins command(-1 to remove)
-you are not allowed to give your password to an other person! (remove)
-just the admin who changed the map has to give restart in the first of the round (Exception: if he changed the map and he didnt enter the other admins can give restart) (-1)
-The restart must be just in the first round when all the players enter to the sv and when the first round finish! who gives restart for the reason "equilibria" or an other reason he will receive Down-grade!
-You are not allowed to make spam with the commands amx_say/csay/tsay! You can use it just for the important things!(-1)
-The fight between admins will be punished with -3 for both of the admins no matter who started,for any problem please contact the fondator or use the forum!
-every admin have to stay spec to watch the campers/who use cod! (-1/-2)
-When there's more than 3admins in the sv,every one of them must stay spec at least for 15min to rezolve the problems of the sv (-1/-2)
-The admin who use amx_ss on a player he must wait 3min/5min max before he give him ban,in that time you must stay spec and explain to the player why and where and how he can give you the pictures! (-1)
-The admins with beneficii have to play in the Loser Team to help him win!(-1/-3)

The question you read the rules? you respond: No!