View Full Version : [TUTORIAL] CS 1.6 Setting Windows 10 (Steam - 2016)

04-04-2016, 07:53 PM
Pasul 1
Mergeti in Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > System si selectati REMOTE SETTINGS din partea stanga a meniului
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Pasul 2
In fereastra System Properties selectam Advanced apoi selectam Settings... ca in imaginea de mai jos
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Pasul 3
Selectam DATA EXECUTION PREVENTION unde vom selecta TURN ON DEP for all programs and services except those I select
Aici vom apasa pe ADD , dupa care vom merge in Disk/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life si vom alege hl.exe , apoi vom apasa Apply si OK
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Nota: NU trebuie rulat cu compatibilitate de windows XP sau 7

Pasul 4
Setari video + setaori consola
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Rezolutia sa nu fie mai mare de 1280x720
Setari consola (va puteti face un config nume.cfg sau le puneti in userconfig.cfg):

fps_max 99 (majoritatea serverelor nu accepta mai mult de 100 fps, astfel nu te vei putea misca din spawn, recomandat este sa folositi maxim 100 fps)
fps_override 0

rate 100000
cl_updaterate 100
cl_cmdrate 105
ex_interp 0.01

gl_vsync 0
cl_filterstuffcmd 1
m_rawinput 1
snd_noextraupdate 1

cl_nosmooth 1

Pasul 5
Parametrii de pornire cs 1.6 steam
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Nota: Cu aceste setari am reusit sa imi repar cs 1.6 astfel incat sa mearga aproape la fel de bine ca pe windows XP. Recomand aceste setari, insa probabilitatea ca vor merge nu este de 100%. Succes !

Cum fac sa mearga cs 1.6 pe win 10 , Cs 1.6 Win 10 , Cele mai bune setari cs windows 10 , Setting Cs 1.6 for Windows 10 , WarGods CS

05-08-2018, 11:00 PM