View Full Version : Invisible Super Shield

13-11-2015, 10:16 PM
Nume script: Invisible Super Shield
La ce ajuta: ai scutul invizibil de parca nici nu l-ai avea
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Infromatii suplimentare: -

13-11-2015, 10:18 PM
Codul pentru CFG :

// Invisible Super Shield 100%
bind "KEY" "+shield"
alias "+shield" "shield"
alias "-shield" "+attack2; wait; -attack2; wait; deagle; wait; buyammo2; wait; buyammo2; wait; buyammo2"
// you can do it manually.
// buy shield, close the shield, buy deagle, buyammo2.
// the shield is now closed and invisible,
// do not close the shield for now !!,
// (you need to repeat the steps every round)
bind "KEY-1" "shield"
bind "KEY-2" "+attack2; wait; -attack2"
bind "KEY-3" "deagle; wait; buyammo2; wait; buyammo2; wait; buyammo2"