View Full Version : SnowBall War CS 1.6

06-10-2015, 08:23 PM
Descriere :
Snowball war este o modificare pentru counter strike (alte moduri hl nu au fost testate) dezvoltat ca AMX MOD X PLUGIN.
Pluginul schimba o grenada he in bulgare de zapada.La inceputul rundei jucatorul primeste doar cutit si he.Cand bulgarele loveste peretele acesta explodeaza avand un efect frumos.In acest mod exista doua echipe: albastru (CT) si rosu (T). EI trebuie sa omoare adversarii lor cu un bulgare de zapada. Cand jucatorul este lovit, viata sa este in scadere avand mai putine sanse sa scape. In aceste mod obiectul este de a omora adversarii.Snowball war include un simplu deathmatch.de asemenea modelele jucatorilor sunt schimbate in mosh craciun (T) si soldati de zapada (CT).Aceste modele putand fi schimbate de owner

Cerinte :
Counter Strike 1.6
AMXX : version 1.8.0 sau mai nou
Modules : fakemeta, hamsandwich

Instalare :
Descarcati si extrageti continutul din fisierele zip. In directorul mod al serverului dvs. (cstrike) si asigurati-va ca mentineti structura folderelor.
sw_plugin305.zip: Contine plugin-ul si fisierul de configurare
sw_resources.zip: Contine modele implicit si sunete

Cvar-uri :

sw_toggle - is mod on/off¿ (default ON - 1)
sw_friendly - is friendly fire on/off¿ (default OFF - 0)
sw_damage - damage done by snowball (default 100)
sw_life - life of snowball splat (default 3.0)
sw_dm - is deathmatch on/off¿ (defualt OFF - 0)
sw_dm_time - time to respawn (default 2.0)
sw_chill_chance - chance to chill player (from 0 - off, to 100 - maximum chance, default 30)
sw_chill_duration - duration of chill (default 5.0)
sw_chill_speed - percentage of speed that player receives when chilled (default 50.0)
sw_snowball_gravity - gravity of snowball (default 0.3)
sw_snowball_velocity - how many times snowball velocity will be multipied (default 2.0 times)
sw_crosshair_remove - will be crosshair removed (default ON - 1)
sw_spawn_protection - is spawn protection on¿ (default ON - 1)
sw_spawn_protection_time - time of spawn protection (default 3.0)

Changelog :

Version 3.05 :
- Added bot support
Version 3.04 :
- Fixed server crashing bug
Version 3.03 :
- Added breaking glass effect when unchilling player
- Added random snow skybox generator
- Added spawn protection
Version 3.02 :
- Added change velocity of snowball
- Added change gravity of snowball
- Added crosshair remover for more realism
Version 3.01 :
- Added game description changer (Thanks xPaw)
Version 3.0 :
- Initial release

Download :
sw_resources.zip (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)
sw_plugin305.zip (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

Instalare plugin :
SnowBall War (click) (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

by Tranda ♪