View Full Version : [Plugin] Activitate admini

08-09-2015, 12:44 AM
Important :

Populare server (TrackerUI.DLL) (<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>)

Descriere: Acest plugin contorizeaza prezenta adminilor intr-o baza de date Mysql.
Plugin-ul creaza un director nou ( folder ) in addons/amxmodx/configs ce poarta numele de activitate_admini.
In acel director veti gasi fisiere .txt cu numele activitate_admini_DATA.txt ( DATA este data din acea zi ).
In fiecare zi este creat un nou fisier .txt, asta pentru a fi mai usor de utilizat.
Deasemenea aveti posibilitatea de a salva in activitate_admini_DATA.txt cand un admin a intrat sau a iesit de pe server,
ori cand acesta foloseste o comanda ( amx_ sau admin_ vedeti cvar-urile ).

Totodata in lina scrisa in log, puteti activa si daca sa scrie sau nu, harta curenta si timpul ramas din harta( timeleft ).

Pentru mai multe detalii vizualizati imaginea atasata.

Plugin: AttendanceAdmins
Versiune: 2.0 (mysql version)
Autor: -
Link oficial:
Download link:
#include <amxmodx>

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN "Activitate Admini"
#define VERSION "2.0c"




new const g_szFileName[ ] = "activitate_admini";

new g_CvarLogConnect;
new g_CvarLogDisconnect;
new g_CvarLogMap;
new g_CvarLogTimeLeft;
new g_CvarLogCommand;

new g_szFile[ 128 ];
new g_szMapName[ 32 ];

public plugin_precache( )
get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", g_szFile, sizeof ( g_szFile ) -1 );
format( g_szFile, sizeof ( g_szFile ) -1, "%s/%s", g_szFile, g_szFileName );

if( !dir_exists( g_szFile ) )
mkdir( g_szFile );

new szCurentDate[ 15 ];
get_time("%d-%m-%Y", szCurentDate , sizeof ( szCurentDate ) -1 );

format( g_szFile, sizeof ( g_szFile ) -1, "%s/%s_%s.txt", g_szFile, g_szFileName, szCurentDate );

if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) )
write_file( g_szFile, "-| Aici este salvata activitatea fiecarui admin. |-", -1 );
write_file( g_szFile, " ", -1 );
write_file( g_szFile, " ", -1 );

get_mapname( g_szMapName, sizeof ( g_szMapName ) -1 );
format( g_szMapName, sizeof ( g_szMapName ) -1, "- Harta: %s|", g_szMapName );


public plugin_init( )
register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );

g_CvarLogConnect = register_cvar( "aa_log_connect", "1" );
g_CvarLogDisconnect = register_cvar( "aa_log_disconnect", "1" );
g_CvarLogMap = register_cvar( "aa_log_map", "1" );
g_CvarLogTimeLeft = register_cvar( "aa_log_timeleft", "1" );
g_CvarLogCommand = register_cvar( "aa_log_commands", "3" );


public client_putinserver( id )
if( !is_user_admin( id )
|| !get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogConnect ) )
return 0;

write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );
LogCommand( " %s [ %s | %s ] s-a conectat pe server.",
GetInfo( id, INFO_NAME ), GetInfo( id, INFO_AUTHID ), GetInfo( id, INFO_IP ) );
write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );
return 0;


public client_disconnect( id )
if( !is_user_admin( id )
|| !get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogDisconnect ) )
return 0;

write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );
LogCommand( " %s [ %s | %s ] s-a deconectat de pe server.",
GetInfo( id, INFO_NAME ), GetInfo( id, INFO_AUTHID ), GetInfo( id, INFO_IP ) );
write_file( g_szFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", -1 );

return 0;


public client_command( id )
static iLogCommand;
iLogCommand = get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogCommand );
if( !is_user_admin( id ) || !iLogCommand )
return 0;

static szCommand[ 36 ];
read_argv( 0, szCommand, sizeof ( szCommand ) -1 );

if( get_command_value( szCommand ) == iLogCommand
|| get_command_value( szCommand ) > 0 && iLogCommand == 3 )
static szArgs[ 101 ];
read_args( szArgs, sizeof ( szArgs ) -1 );

remove_quotes( szArgs );

LogCommand( " %s [ %s | %s ] '%s %s' ",
GetInfo( id, INFO_NAME ), GetInfo( id, INFO_AUTHID ), GetInfo( id, INFO_IP ), szCommand, szArgs );

return 0;

LogCommand( const szMsg[ ], any:... )
static szMessage[ 256 ], szLogMessage[ 256 ];
vformat( szMessage, sizeof ( szMessage ) -1, szMsg , 2 );

static iLogMap, iLogTimeLeft;
iLogMap = get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogMap );
iLogTimeLeft = get_pcvar_num( g_CvarLogTimeLeft );

formatex( szLogMessage, sizeof ( szLogMessage ) -1, "|%s|%s%s%s",
_get_time( ), iLogMap ? g_szMapName : "", iLogTimeLeft ? _get_timeleft( ) : "", szMessage );

write_file( g_szFile, szLogMessage, -1 );

stock get_command_value( const szCommand[ ] )
static iCommandValue;

if( equali( szCommand, "amx_", 4 ) )
iCommandValue = 1;
else if( equali( szCommand, "admin_" , 6 ) )
iCommandValue = 2;
iCommandValue = -1;

return iCommandValue;


stock bool:is_user_admin( id )
if( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_SLAY )
return true;

return false;

stock _get_time( )
new szTime[ 32 ];
get_time( " %H:%M:%S ", szTime ,sizeof ( szTime ) -1 );

return szTime;

stock _get_timeleft( )
static szTimeLeft[ 25 ];
format( szTimeLeft, sizeof ( szTimeLeft ) -1, "- TimeLeft: %d:%02d|", get_timeleft( ) / 60, ( get_timeleft( ) % 60 ) );

return szTimeLeft;


stock GetInfo( id, const iInfo )

new szInfoToReturn[ 64 ];

switch( iInfo )
static szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );

copy( szInfoToReturn, sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1, szName );
case INFO_IP:
static szIp[ 32 ];
get_user_ip( id, szIp, sizeof ( szIp ) -1, 1 );

copy( szInfoToReturn, sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1, szIp );
static szAuthId[ 35 ];
get_user_authid( id, szAuthId, sizeof ( szAuthId ) -1 );

copy( szInfoToReturn, sizeof ( szInfoToReturn ) -1, szAuthId );

return szInfoToReturn;

* Compilati sma-ul si obtineti .AMXX


Fisierul ActivitateAdmini.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
Fisierul ActivitateAdmini.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma



-| 0 = dezactivat | 1 = activat |-
aa_log_connect <0/1>
aa_log_disconnect <0/1>
aa_log_map <0/1>
aa_log_timeleft <0/1>

-| 0 = dezactivat | 1 = activ ( doar comenzi amx_ ) | 2 = activ ( doar comenzi admin_ ) | 3 = activ ( atat comenzi amx_ cat si admin_ ) |-
aa_log_commands <0/1/2/3>

Modules :

<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

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