View Full Version : Reclamatie Maresala

23-06-2015, 07:41 PM
NICK: H3AV3NBOY / UniQ - Danielos Tudozeus
IP: IP Dinamic
MOTIVUL: Scoatere LM Aiurea + Slay

First (Chat)

[BIOSCANER] silvester s-a infectat!
H3AV3NBOY died
* Daca vrei sa devii owner/admin/slot pe Zombie.WarGods.Ro tasteaza in chat /preturi
H3AV3NBOY (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Armand killed self with grenade
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
H3AV3NBOY (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
silvester killed FnaF1,2,3,4 with infection
FnaF1,2,3,4 killed self with lasermine
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : /slay H3
FnaF1,2,3,4 killed silvester with lasermine
ADMIN ***MaReSaLa***: slay H3AV3NBOY
*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : ce ma?

ADMIN ***MaReSaLa*** i-a dezactivat laserele lui H3AV3NBOY
*SPEC* ***MaReSaLa*** : ce am zis

IMPORTANT! Se ofera 1 admin de OWNER celui dispus sa contribuie la plata hostului! Detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
*SPEC* ***MaReSaLa*** : acuma 20 de seecunde

*DEAD* silvester : :))

H3AV3NBOY killed FnaF1,2,3,4 with infection
FnaF1,2,3,4 killed silvester with infection
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
FnaF1,2,3,4 killed Hitman with infection
[BIOSCANER] Tu esti un zombie!
Armand killed H3AV3NBOY with lasermine
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : nu ai voie laser in spam
Ca sa te cateri pe zid apasa: press W + CTRL + SPACE
[BIOSCANER] H3AV3NBOY s-a infectat!
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : si tu faci extra acest lucru pui laser in spam
[G]*ALIVE*Hitman : /t23
[Zombie] Ai fost inviat ca zombie!
Hitman killed Armand with infection
Ca sa te cateri pe zid apasa: press W + CTRL + SPACE
Acceptam Servere in Comunitate! Oferta unica! detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
Cortez dropped
H3AV3NBOY : /zspawn

*** H3AV3NBOY killed buum with a headshot from melee ***
Cortez connected
Hitman : 23343

Cortez is joining the Terrorist force
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Hitman : /rs

[BIOSCANER] Tu esti un om!
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 2 seconds.
Tineti V apasat langa perete pentru a planta laser si X pentru a-l scoate
[BIOSCANER] Armand s-a infectat!
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 1 seconds.
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 1 seconds.
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Armand killed buum with infection
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : ma H3
H3AV3NBOY : asta se mai cheama spawn?

Armand killed H3AV3NBOY with infection
Adaugati serverul la Favorite! Add server to Favorites! IP:
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : ce nu intelegi tu
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : da
H3AV3NBOY killed FnaF1,2,3,4 with lasermine
H3AV3NBOY : lol

Ca sa te cateri pe zid apasa: press W + CTRL + SPACE
H3AV3NBOY : ce chior

silvester : /shop

silvester : /protection

H3AV3NBOY killed self with melee
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
H3AV3NBOY : doamne

[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : sunt chioara
Daca vrei ca harta preferata sa apara printre optiunile de vot scrie in chat: propune numele_hartii
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : bine
Invalid motdfile name (!MD5/../../rev.INI)
Invalid motdfile name (!MD5/../../config/MasterServers.vdf)
Invalid motdfile name (!MD5/../../config/rev_MasterServers.vdf)
Invalid motdfile name (!MD5/../../platform/config/MasterServers.vdf)
Invalid motdfile name (!MD5/../../platform/config/rev_MasterServers.vdf)
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : /slay H3
ADMIN ***MaReSaLa***: slay H3AV3NBOY
Cortez killed buum with lasermine
* Daca vrei sa devii owner/admin/slot pe Zombie.WarGods.Ro tasteaza in chat /preturi
[WarGods Shield]: This server is protected by WarGods Shield! For more details visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
buum dropped
buum has left the game
*SPEC* ***MaReSaLa*** : adica tu ma inveti sa joc

Vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea Zombie [Regulament-Discutii-Admine-Unban-Reclamatii]
ADMIN ***MaReSaLa*** i-a dezactivat laserele lui H3AV3NBOY
$mech3rulX connected
*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : poate vrei sa zici ca tu ma inveti

$mech3rulX is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : nu eu pe tn

[WarGods Shield]: IP "" has been banned [Rcon Attack].
[G]*ALIVE*silvester : a/dmin
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[G]*ALIVE*silvester : /admin
*DEAD* $mech3rulX : r3 all

Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta
*SPEC* ***MaReSaLa*** : contyiuna asa si iti arata ca o sa stai degeaba pe sv

*SPEC* ***MaReSaLa*** : si no sa poti face nimica

*SPEC* ***MaReSaLa*** : vb frumos cu tine

Armand killed Cortez with infection
*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : sigur....tu nu sti ca joc din 2012 aici nu?

Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : si stiu lucrurile

Vreti sa vorbiti? Intrati pe TS.WarGods.ro!
silvester killed Armand with lasermine
*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : stiu undei spawn-ul exact

*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : stiu tot

*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : iti arat cu valve hammer editor

Sniper Marocain Himmi timed out
*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : unde sunt setati jucatorii pt spawn

Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
*SPEC* ***MaReSaLa*** : mai pune tu asa si ai sa vezi ce se intmpla

Scrieti /informatii , /about pentru informatii referitoare la joc !
*DEAD* Armand : da

Cortez dropped
Cortez has left the game
*DEAD* Armand : da

*DEAD* Armand : da

*DEAD* H3AV3NBOY : bun

[BIOSCANER] Tu esti un om!
Armand : fs

[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : /WAC H3
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Armand : da

Hitman killed Armand with infection
Scrieti /reguli in chat pentru regulile serverului si /class pentru clasa de zombie
$mech3rulX : /class

[BIOSCANER] Hitman s-a infectat!
H3AV3NBOY : am controale de la public cu WCD

'@oHKIllEm` dropped
Armand killed H3AV3NBOY with infection
* Daca vrei sa devii owner/admin/slot pe Zombie.WarGods.Ro tasteaza in chat /preturi
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : /WAC H3A
Armand killed Hitman with lasermine
Ca sa te cateri pe zid apasa: press W + CTRL + SPACE
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Bine ati venit pe Zombie.WarGods.ro vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : de cand joci tu pe sv asta
$mech3rulX : avem voie lm pe lung??

Armand : ye

[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : da
Armand killed $mech3rulX with infection
$mech3rulX killed self with lasermine
Armand killed FnaF1,2,3,4 with infection
FnaF1,2,3,4 killed self with lasermine
H3AV3NBOY : uitate pe gametracker

$mech3rulX : a

$mech3rulX killed Armand with lasermine
H3AV3NBOY : da skype sa-ti dau link

Comenzi laser: bind v +punelaser, bind x +scoatelaser
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : nu ma intereseaza
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
H3AV3NBOY : /ibomb

[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /zspawn
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : tiam zis de cat timp joci aicia
[G]*DEAD*Armand : unde
[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /zspawn
H3AV3NBOY : nu te intereseaza....tiam zis mai devreme de cand

[G]*DEAD*Armand : stai
[G]*DEAD*FnaF1,2,3,4 : ai murit am vazut
[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /shop
H3AV3NBOY : acum te uiti pe gametracker

[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /zspawn
[G]*DEAD*Armand : unde stai
$mech3rulX killed H3AV3NBOY with lasermine
Cautam Admini seriosi sa se ocupe de server! Detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
H3AV3NBOY : nu stau sa zic de 10 ori

Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[G]*DEAD*FnaF1,2,3,4 : in real?
[Lasermine] You must plant the lasermine on a wall!
[G]*DEAD*Armand : da
*DEAD* $mech3rulX : >D

[BIOSCANER] Tu esti un om!
Armand : bucuresti

[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 7 seconds.
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 3 seconds.
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 2 seconds.
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 2 seconds.
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 2 seconds.
No Swear connected
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 1 seconds.
Welcome to Zombie.WarGods.ro visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
No Swear is joining the Terrorist force
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 1 seconds.
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[BIOSCANER] $mech3rulX s-a infectat!
$mech3rulX killed H3AV3NBOY with infection
H3AV3NBOY (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Ca sa te cateri pe zid apasa: press W + CTRL + SPACE
silvester : /shop

Adaugati serverul la Favorite! Add server to Favorites!
silvester : /protection

Armand : vin pe la tine

Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Hitman killed $mech3rulX with lasermine
* Daca vrei sa devii owner/admin/slot pe Zombie.WarGods.Ro tasteaza in chat /preturi
ADMIN ***MaReSaLa*** i-a dezactivat laserele lui H3AV3NBOY
[WarGods Shield]: This server is protected by WarGods Shield! For more details visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : /slay H3
[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : lol
Armand : vin pe la tine la tara

Type RTV to change map!
[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /zspawn
$mech3rulX : /zspawn

Hitman : /protection

Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[WarGods Shield]: IP "" has been banned [Rcon Attack].
] record s
recording to s.dem.
] stop
Completed demo
Armand : scuze judet]

H3AV3NBOY killed Armand with infection
[Lasermine] You don't have lasermine.
Armand : vin la tine

[Lasermine] You don't have lasermine.
IMPORTANT! Se ofera 1 admin de OWNER celui dispus sa contribuie la plata hostului! Detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
Armand : ca sun tacum a tara la buzau

H3AV3NBOY killed FnaF1,2,3,4 with infection
Armand (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
[WarGods Shield]: IP "" has been banned [Rcon Attack].
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[Lasermine] You must plant the lasermine on a wall!
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : /orejucate H3A
silvester : /orejcuate

Armand : si eu sat pe aceasi strada

Armand (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Acceptam Servere in Comunitate! Oferta unica! detalii pe <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
Armand : stau

$mech3rulX : /orejucate

Hitman killed $mech3rulX with lasermine
silvester : /orejucate

Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
$mech3rulX : /cam

silvester killed H3AV3NBOY with lasermine
Armand : sunt fata vrei sa ne sarutam

[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /zspawn
Tineti V apasat langa perete pentru a planta laser si X pentru a-l scoate
$mech3rulX : /zspawn

[Lasermine] You must plant the lasermine on a wall!
[G]*ALIVE*Armand : cati ani ai
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[G]*ALIVE*FnaF1,2,3,4 : nu ms
[G]*ALIVE*Armand : cati ani ai
[G]*ALIVE*FnaF1,2,3,4 : 11
Adaugati serverul la Favorite! Add server to Favorites! IP:
[G]*ALIVE*Armand : eu la fel
[G]*ALIVE*FnaF1,2,3,4 : hm
* Daca vrei sa devii owner/admin/slot pe Zombie.WarGods.Ro tasteaza in chat /preturi
[G]*ALIVE*Armand : hai ca vin sa te sarut eu stau la numarul 45
[G]*ALIVE*FnaF1,2,3,4 : ai adresa de facebook?
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[G]*ALIVE*Armand : da
SHTEYER connected
[G]*ALIVE*$mech3rulX : /lm,
Daca vrei ca harta preferata sa apara printre optiunile de vot scrie in chat: propune numele_hartii
SHTEYER is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[G]*ALIVE*$mech3rulX : /lm
[G]*ALIVE*FnaF1,2,3,4 : cum te numesti?
[G]*ALIVE*Armand : elena
[G]*ALIVE*FnaF1,2,3,4 : pe face
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[G]*ALIVE*Armand : a elana 2013
Armand : facem sex

[BIOSCANER] Tu esti un om!
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 7 seconds.
$mech3rulX : maresal

$mech3rulX : a

[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 2 seconds.
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : da
Armand killed $mech3rulX with infection
Armand killed SHTEYER with infection
silvester killed SHTEYER with lasermine
Vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> sectiunea Zombie [Regulament-Discutii-Admine-Unban-Reclamatii]
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 2 seconds.
[BIOSCANER] Armand s-a infectat!
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 1 seconds.
[Lasermine] You can buying and deploying lasermine in after 1 seconds.
Armand killed No Swear with lasermine
$mech3rulX : poti sa cumperi vreo arma

[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : da
$mech3rulX : cu bani

$mech3rulX : ?

H3AV3NBOY : nu

$mech3rulX : a

[G]*DEAD*No Swear : /shop
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : da
[G]*DEAD*No Swear : /zspawn
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
SHTEYER dropped
SHTEYER has left the game
No Swear : /zspawn

Scrieti RTV pentru a schimba harta
Hitman : /protection

$mech3rulX : poti?

[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : cand incepe tura aiti ie armna nu costa nimica
[WarGods.ro] SHTEYER a fost deconectat din cauza lag-ului!
$mech3rulX : sto

$mech3rulX : stiu

[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : doar cand dscri protectie
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Armand : fnaf facem sex

H3AV3NBOY killed No Swear with lasermine
Vreti sa vorbiti? Intrati pe TS.WarGods.ro!
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : armand termina
No Swear dropped
No Swear has left the game
Armand : ahhaha

H3AV3NBOY killed $mech3rulX with lasermine
Armand : glumeam

H3AV3NBOY : :)))

Armand : sunt

Armand : baiat

Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /zspawn
Scrieti /informatii , /about pentru informatii referitoare la joc !
$mech3rulX : /zspawn

Armand : ce naiba

* Daca vrei sa devii owner/admin/slot pe Zombie.WarGods.Ro tasteaza in chat /preturi
Armand dropped
Armand has left the game
[WarGods Shield]: This server is protected by WarGods Shield! For more details visit <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>
silvester (RADIO): Team, fall back!
Inca 3 jucator(i) trebuie sa scrie "rtv" pentru a incepe votul.
Armand : te sa plec

silvester (RADIO): Team, fall back!
silvester (RADIO): Team, fall back!
Inca 1 jucator(i) trebuie sa scrie "rtv" pentru a incepe votul.
silvester (RADIO): Team, fall back!
$mech3rulX : rtv all

silvester (RADIO): Team, fall back!
H3AV3NBOY : no bun

Hitman : inca 1

silvester killed $mech3rulX with g3sg1
silvester (RADIO): Stick together, team.
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Hitman : hai inca 1 rtv

H3AV3NBOY : nu dam

FnaF1,2,3,4 killed self with lasermine
Scrieti /reguli in chat pentru regulile serverului si /class pentru clasa de zombie
H3AV3NBOY : :))

Hitman : inca 1 rtv

Hitman : inca 1 rtv

[G]*DEAD*$mech3rulX : /zspawn
H3AV3NBOY killed silvester with infection
$mech3rulX : /zspawn

[BIOSCANER] Tu esti un zombie!
Ca sa te cateri pe zid apasa: press W + CTRL + SPACE
H3AV3NBOY killed FnaF1,2,3,4 with infection
[BIOSCANER] H3AV3NBOY s-a infectat!
silvester killed $mech3rulX with infection
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Bine ati venit pe Zombie.WarGods.ro vizitati <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>!
ADMIN ***MaReSaLa***: vote map(s)
H3AV3NBOY voted for option #1
silvester voted for option #1
"amx_nextmap" changed to "[vot in curs de desfasurare]"
Hitman voted for option #3
$mech3rulX voted for option #1
FnaF1,2,3,4 voted for option #1
Voting successful. Map will be changed to zm_infantry_max2
Destui jucatori au scris "rtv" pentru a incepe votarea hartilor.
Result refused
[G]*DEAD****MaReSaLa*** : lestmap
H3AV3NBOY a ales "zm_2012".
H3AV3NBOY (RADIO): Affirmative.
FnaF1,2,3,4 a ales "zm_2012".
silvester a ales "zm_assault_evening_prefinal".
silvester (RADIO): Team, fall back!
$mech3rulX a ales "zm_2012".
$mech3rulX (RADIO): Roger that.
silvester (RADIO): Stick together, team.
Comenzi laser: bind v +punelaser, bind x +scoatelaser
"amx_nextmap" changed to "zm_2012"
Adaugati Zombie.WarGods.ro la favorite!
Hitman a ales "zm_city_final".
silvester (RADIO): Stick together, team.
"mp_timelimit" changed to "0"
silvester (RADIO): Stick together, team.
silvester killed H3AV3NBOY with lasermine

Second (Photos)
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Poza in Valve Hammer <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Poza in CS <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Poza in CS
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Poza in Valve Hammer <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Poza in CS
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Poza in Valve Hammer <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Poza in CS

Pentru asa ceva trb sa iau Slay + sa mi se ia LM
<b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b> Galeria

MaReSaLa uitate sa vezi de cand joc: <b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

Oricum eu joc de plictiseala...dar nici chiar sa ma enervez.....va spun sincer...uitativa atenti la Spawn-uri si atunci discutati

23-06-2015, 08:00 PM
Intradevar.. nu am fost pe server, nu inteleg motivul maresalei , dar dupa pozele tale, laserele sunt OK .. Nu sunt in spawn . Sa vedem ce zice maresala.. .:D

23-06-2015, 08:19 PM
Avand in vedere ca nai postat pozele care trebuiau nam ce sa mai comentez dar oameni ca tine mai rar sa faca deastea oricum esti inteligent si asta imi place asa ca sa revenim la problema tiam scos im team avertizat tiamadt slay si teai apris ce ai facut tu !!!!! Ai inceput runda noua si ai inceput sa pui im unde trebe si ai facut o droaie de poze intrebarea mea ieste de ce nai facut poze cand iera in spawn ????

Delia ღ❤
23-06-2015, 08:24 PM
Nu sunt in spawn puse, vacuto ..
Ps: Locked but :*

23-06-2015, 09:00 PM
Am vazut de multe ori lm-uri puse la fel si cu admini pe server si nu facea nimeni nimic , nu stiu de ce te-ai gasit tu sa faci tocmai acum , alea nu erau lm-uri in spawn dar sa vedem ce zice SpeeDy

WarGods | KGB
23-06-2015, 11:21 PM
Reclamatie hoha/none/nada/nula in ceea ce o priveste pe Maresala;pe de alta parte Heavenboy are dreptate.
P.S. ptr Maresala ; cand pedepsesti un player pe server ,asigura-te ca ai si dovezi contra reclamatiei aferente Maresalo.
Decizia bosului o asteptam,in urma acestei reclamatii. Sunt pro Heavenboy ca are dovezi la reclamatie.Maresala nu are dovezi...

23-06-2015, 11:26 PM
Macar am deschis ochii tuturor in legatura cu Laserele la Spawn! Mi-am indeplinit misiunea totusi...sa mai aud pe careva ca pun lasere in spawn :)) :P
Tot vin cu dovezi si tot demonstrez....ti-am zis MaReSaLa joc din 2012 pe serverul asta...se vede si pe Gametracker...SpeeDy ma cunoaste...era Ucenicul meu pe Zombie :p credema...de la mine o invatat ceva in jocul asta! Credema am 7 ani experienta de CS....6 ani de mix-uri si war-uri atat pe CS 1.6 cat si pe CS Source v34 NoSteam si CSGO! Ai facut o alegere proasta ca te-ai pus la minte cu mine si ti-am demonstrat prin dovezi cum e trb cu laserele :P GodGame me si Multumesc pentru Reply-urile date de restul Staff-ului al acestui server!
Va saluta un fost admin acilea! H3AV3NBOY it's me :* and you're UniQ forever

24-06-2015, 10:38 AM
Maresala a procedat corect!
Sa va spun si de ce. Regula spune: Lm in spawn sunt interzise. Aceea e mapa 2010, deci spawn=locul de josul mapei(in principal). Deci in acel loc NU se pun lm. Maresala si marea majoritate, nu au de unde sa stie exact unde sunt spawnurile cu exactitate, mai ales daca nu au habar de hammer editor. Cu excepria lm de la usa, care eu il condider ok, restul sunt in spawn, sunt in interiorul spawnului.

Oricum, regula aceea este temporara, deoarece vreau sa schimb zspawn si sa ai imun 2-3 secunde imun la lm atunci cand dai zspawn, pentru nu a mai muri in spawn.
