View Full Version : Unban Zakarijevski

Zakarijevski 4 Witch
07-11-2014, 12:02 PM
Nume/name: Zakarijevski 4 Witch.
Varsta: 22.
Steam: STEAM_0:0:1327004567
Time/Data: 11:12:53 <> 07/11/2014
Admin: Karynutza
Ban reason: wall
Demo/SS: I can't find the SS or demo, just tell me what is the name of the auto demo recording (if the server even has that)

07-11-2014, 12:10 PM
You are not romanian but you knew to apply for the unban request ... wow you are amazing:)))) i didnt made you Ss or demo ... i was just looking at you and saw you that u kill people thru the walls.. i ll unban you because i dont have any prove to show that you cheat but i will keep my eyes on you:)

07-11-2014, 12:25 PM
It's very simple i was there when you got banned. I was the one who said u are cheating with WallHack. When u every round kill players thru wall is certainly 100% WallHack so u deserve it that ban. CONTRA UNBAN! Si da-i drumu in tara ta.

Zakarijevski 4 Witch
07-11-2014, 04:04 PM
Well, do you have any proof? SS? Demo? Anything?
Yeah, I did kill people through wall, but on the most stupid places on assault (like on the wall over the main entrance, through the vents wall etc) cause it's pretty easy when you use the /ME command. I have it bind, and some spots are just too easy to kill when you frequently use /me command.
I'm not a dumbass cheater, or whatever, if you give me some proof, ok, i'll leave.
I was an admin on Sirmium assault server and you can't even imagine how many through the wall kill spots are there.

07-11-2014, 04:38 PM
I am PRO unban because there aren't proff against you.

Castiel, daca avem straini pe server nu inseamna ca trebuie sa ii tratam de sus si sa-i trimitem la ei in tara. Mare parte din jucatorii care vin din boost sunt straini; comportandu-ne astfel ne batem joc de oamenii care platesc pentru boost, ca ei platesc pentru un server plin, iar noi venim cu harfe si inlaturam jucatorii.

Cat despre ban, XeLa a spus mereu ca trebuie sa avem dovezi. Pe cand aveam eu admin cu drept de ban, faceam demo si alora cu aim evident, care omorau echipa adversa in primele 10 secunde ale rundei, dandu-le numai head-uri. Nu vreau sa ziceti iar despre mine ca vai cine sunt eu de va atrag atentia, dar avem un regulament de respectat, care spune sa nu dam ban fara dovezi, haideti sa nu ne batem joc de el. Nu ma adresez numai Karynei pentru ca multi altii fac asta. V-as ruga sa o luati ca pe un sfat, nu ca pe o acuza, sau cum ca as avea ceva cu voi.

Numai bine.

Zakarijevski 4 Witch
07-11-2014, 04:54 PM
Thank you for the unban.

If you want, take my SS, i will upload it.

07-11-2014, 06:19 PM
Teddy eu inteleg ca trebuie sa faci ss/demo pentru dovezi pentru unii jucatori, am facut si am destule in pc. Dar tipul asta am fost spec pe assault vreo 5 minute si cand am revenit era un 14-0 mi sa parut putin dubios la inceput si pe urma cand m-am uitat pe el am vazut ce facea tipul....simplu tragea prin perete dinainte sa apara sau sa-i vada...pe urma mi-a sunat telefonul si nu am fost atent si pana la urma i-a dat kary ban, o faceam eu imediat daca nu dadea ea.... las-o dracu da dovada cand e unu cu aim sau wallhack care nu au vreun stres sa se ascunda pana stau eu spec sa-i fac demo sau SS ii dau timp sa iasa sau sa ia cheful jucatorilor si sa iasa ceilalti. Asa ca dai ban ca vreun tupeist dasta din 100 se gaseste sa faca cerere unban.

07-11-2014, 07:53 PM
You have unban!

Faceti demo/poze pe viitor pentru a nu mai avea probleme de genu asta.