View Full Version : CS:S Team Balance

09-10-2014, 07:53 PM
Descriere: Acesta este o versiune avansata de team balancer pentru Counter Strike-Source.Utilizeaza algoritmi pentru a detecta echipa dezechilibrata si pentru a restructura echipa.
Poate fi folosit pentru orice tip de server iar echilibrarea este bazata pe numarul de jucatori.
Parametrii de echilibrare a echipelor sunt controlabili prin cvar.
Include o comanda pentru a afisa statistici interne "!tbstats".
Contine si un meniu de administrare a echipelor sm_team_menu sau !team_menu.

Plugin: CS:S Team Balance
Versiune: 2.2.2
Autor: dalto
Link oficial:
teambalance2.2.2.zip ->><b>You have to register to ba able to see this link</b>

Copiati toate folderele in directoarele de baza ale modului,respectivului server!

Comenzi (chat/consola):

!tbmenu: Deschide meniul de administrare al echipelor (doar adminii au acces)
!tbstats: Afiseaza statisticile interne ale pluginului
!tbswitchnow: Muta un player in echipa adversa (doar adminii au acces)
!tbswitchatstart: Muta un player in echipa adversa dar la inceputul rundei urmatoare(doar adminii au acces)
!tbset: Seteaza statisticile playerilor (doar adminii au acces)


// The number of hours to save stats for
sm_team_balance_save_time 672

// This is the number of rounds to skip between balancing
// Setting this to one will mean that at best it will balance every other round
sm_team_balance_min_balance_frequency 1

// This forces the plugin to balance team sizes, even if the losing team is the
// bigger team
sm_team_balance_maintain_size 1

// Setting this to 1 allows the plugin to control team joins. It will force players
// to join the smaller team and not allow them to switch to the stronger team later in the game.
sm_team_balance_control_joins 0

// The database configuration to use. Leave commented for a local SQLite db
// you can use default or configure your own connection in addons/sourcemod/configs/database.cfg
// sm_team_balance_database "default"

// Set to 0 if admins should not be immune to join control
sm_team_balance_join_immunity 0

// Set to 1 if you want to force each player to stay in the teams assigned
sm_team_balance_lock_teams 0

// The number of minutes after disconnect before the team lock expires after disconnect
sm_team_balance_lock_time 15

// Set to 1 if you don't want players who have already joined a team to be able to switch to spectator
sm_team_balance_stop_spec 0

// The admin flags that admins who should have immunity must have one of leave empty for all admins
// sm_team_balance_admin_flags

// ************************************************** ***************************
// Changing anything below this line effects the performance of the team
// balancer. Only change these values if you are sure you know what you
// are doing.
// ************************************************** ***************************

// The minimum number of kills + deaths you need to have in order to get a real
// kdr. Before this you kdr is set to sm_team_balance_def_kdr
sm_team_balance_min_kd 10

// The number of consecutive wins required to declare the teams unbalanced
sm_team_balance_consecutive_wins 4

// The win loss ratio required to declare the teams unbalanced
// 1.0 is an even number of wins and losses
sm_team_balance_wlr 0.55

// The number of rounds to delay team balancing when a new player joins
// the losing team
// If you want the balancer to evaluate more often change this to 0
sm_team_balance_new_join_rounds 0

// The minimum number of rounds before the team balancer starts
sm_team_balance_min_rounds 2

// The default kdr used until a real kdr is established
sm_team_balance_def_kdr 1.0

// The maximimum number of players on a team for which a single player is balanced
sm_team_balance_single_max 6

// The increment for which additional players are balanced
sm_team_balance_increment 5

// Admin Immunity: This should be set 0 to disable immunity
// WARNING: Enabling immunity SEVERELY limits the balancing algorithm
sm_team_balance_admin_immunity 0